Comparison based on publicly available, easily found information of Bluehost. Pricing is based on both providers standard pricing without any promotional pricing. Comparisons drawn up by independent third-party company.

Feature TCF's "Diamond" Plan Bluehost's "Pro" Plan
Monthly Cost $9.99 $28.99
Annual Cost $99.99 $347.88
Bandwidth Unlimited1 400 GB4
Disk Space 100 GB 100 GB
# of Domains 11 5
Free Domain 1st Year
Free SSL
Unlimited Email Accounts
Daily Backups 2
Managed Support
Domain Privacy 3 2
Multi-Site Management
Performance Insights
Email Marketing 1
Malware Scanning
Wordpress Included
Pre-built Templates
On-Demand Backup
Drag & Drop Website Builder
eCommerce Features
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
Built In Cache
Advanced Features (SFTP, Shell Access, etc)
1 Indicates subject to fair use policies
2 Only free for first year
3 Available for additional fee
4 Based on advertised ~400k visitors and average site size of 500kb