Law Enforcement and Government Request Policy

Law Enforcement and Government Request Policy

At TCF Ventures LLC, we are committed to transparency and protecting the privacy and rights of our users. This policy outlines our procedures and principles regarding requests for user data and cooperation with law enforcement and government agencies.

We comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing the disclosure of user information to law enforcement and government agencies, including but not limited to subpoenas, warrants, court orders, and other legal processes.

All requests from law enforcement or government agencies must be submitted in writing, by postal mail, to our designated department.

Requests must include detailed information regarding the nature of the investigation, the specific user data being requested, and the legal basis for the request.

We reserve the right to verify the authenticity and validity of all requests before providing any user data.

TCF Ventures LLC
ATTN: Legal Requests
30 N Gould St
Suite 34047
Sheridan, WY 82801
United States

Unless prohibited by law or court order, we will notify affected users of any requests for their data, unless doing so would compromise the investigation or pose a risk to national security.

Notification may be delayed or withheld if required by law or if it could impede law enforcement efforts or jeopardize the safety of individuals.

We will only disclose user data in response to valid requests that comply with applicable laws and legal standards.

We may disclose user data such as account information, login records, IP addresses, and other relevant data as necessary to comply with legal obligations or protect our rights, property, or safety, or those of our users or the public.

We may, at our sole discretion, publish transparency reports detailing the number and types of requests for user data received from law enforcement and government agencies, as well as our response to such requests.

These reports provide insight into our commitment to user privacy and our compliance with legal requirements.

We reserve the right to challenge requests that we believe are overly broad, vague, or lack sufficient legal basis.

If we receive a request that we believe is invalid or unlawful, we will seek legal counsel and may challenge the request in court if necessary.

Users have the right to access, correct, or delete their personal data in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

Users may also request information about any requests for their data made by law enforcement or government agencies.

Our employees receive regular training on privacy laws, data protection principles, and our obligations regarding law enforcement and government requests.

We maintain strict internal policies and procedures to ensure compliance with legal requirements and protect user privacy.

In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, government entities or law enforcement agencies requesting information or services from TCF Ventures LLC shall be responsible for reimbursing TCF Ventures LLC for any fees and costs incurred in fulfilling such requests. These fees may include but are not limited to expenses related to research, document printing, mailing, or any other necessary expenditures. TCF Ventures LLC shall provide an itemized invoice detailing all incurred expenses, and payment shall be due within 30 days of receipt of the invoice.

Fee Description Cost
Research The process of gathering, analyzing, and synthesizing information or data to address specific requests or inquiries. This includes accessing various sources, reviewing pertinent materials, and compiling findings to deliver precise and thorough responses $2.00/hour for the first hour
$1.50/hour subsequently
Printing The reproduction of documents or materials in physical form, whether in paper or any other tangible medium. $0.15/page for black and white
$0.35/page for color
Mailing The dispatch of documents or materials via postal or courier services. Cost determined by courier

Fees not listed on this fee schedule may still be incurred as allowed by applicable laws.

This policy may be updated from time to time to reflect changes in legal requirements or company practices. Users will be notified of any significant changes to this policy.

For questions or concerns about our Law Enforcement and Government Request Policy, please contact us at